Loan Form

Monthly salary income after taxes
Loan repayment/Living expense. etc
Please note that this is not a general mail of the company and it should be contacted
If your application is successful, which Bank Account would you like to receive the money?
1. Any amount outstanding as unpaid after expiration of the monthly repayment date will be rolled over at the existing interest rate. 2. Any loan repayment cheque drawn on your salary/active account for repayment should be in favour of NICTHAN NIGERIA LIMITED and borrower should ensure availability of value on due date. Any returned cheque or delayed repayment will attract a stipulated fee per day or 1% per day of the amount due whichever is higher will be applied. 3. 10% will be charged on outstanding amount monthly after expiration of the tenor. 4. There is default charges on unpaid daily and weekly repayment.
I (Add your name in the field above) hereby declare that all the information provided in this application is correct. I agree that any false information discovered renders my application null and void and subject to litigation. I hereby undertake to repay NICTHAN NIGERIA LIMITED the sums granted to me as loan and the applicable interest promptly and in line with the company's loan terms and conditions. I authorize the Company to verify the information provided on this form in respect of my credit history.